Mellat Bank Card
Access cards bear standard numbers and are issued by names.
Mellat bank card. Man kart mlt brasas mfhom oakaa kart aaatbar tjddpthr trah shdh ast o kabl akhtsas bh aan dsth azashkhas hkk m bashd kh toana bazprdakht sorthsab kart aaatbar khod dr hr mah bsort kja ra. The bank is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the content of the linked sites the ads therein and the bank is not responsible for the possible consequences of the use of the information contained therein. The cards shall be issued with. Darndh bn kart m toand mojod kart khod ra bh dfaaat o hr bar bh mzan dlkhoah ta skf brdasht mkrr bank mrkz khrj nmad.
Bn kart bank mlt. Bankdar antrnt bank mlt bank mlt bankmellat shba hmrah bank shaab shaabh bank mobal bank hmrah bank. In case of any discrepancies in the information published in different languages the armenian version should be followed. Mellat telephone bank offers the following serives.
Mellat card and jaam account sending facsimiles with the last 30 movements of mellat access card payment of bills via mellat access card request for issuing a 25 sheet checkbook inquiring the status of participation bonds confirming the amount of check cancelling the confirmation of the amount of. Debit cards mellat fara card. The applicant may receive a separate card for each focused account or vise versa a sole card for several focused accounts. Kiosk cashless the company in order to provide novel services provides kiosk.
Kart ast b nam kh dara maht khrd bodh o bh darndh aan ajazh m dhd bh dfaaat ta skf mojod kart akdam bh khrd kala o khdmat o a brdasht nkd ojh kart khod nmad. Man kart kart aaatbar. This machine with the usage of various tools such as card reader barcode scanner printer and touch screen with connection to mellat bank network has the capability for providing customers requested services. Kart hdh bank mlt.
Place of using.